The First Congregational Church is an Active and Visible part of the Milford community, situated just off the Oval in Milford, NH. We've been worshiping together as a congregation now for over 225 years. We are committed to the worship of Jesus Christ in a congregation nurtured by fellowship and education. As servants of Christ, we strive to share God's love both in our church and in the greater community. Please join us on Sundays at 10:00 AM or at any one of our events.
First Congregational Church of Milford
United Church of Christ (NH)
P. O. Box 188
10 Union Street
Milford, NH 03055-0188
Our Leaders
- Rev. Dr. Alex Gondola, Transitional Interim Minister
- Kimberly Whitehead, Minister of Music
Sunday Services are held at 10:00AM
- Wheelchair Accessible
- Nursery care provided during church services
- Sunday School for age 3 to grade 12
- Coffee hour after the service in the Parish House
- Potluck lunch on the last Sunday of the month
First Congregational Church of Milford
United Church of Christ (NH)P. O. Box 188
10 Union Street
Milford, NH 03055-0188
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