Who are they?
The Board of Christian Missions and Outreach consists of 6 church members, two of which are elected annually. Each Board of Christian Missions member serves for one 3 year term.
What do they do?
They are liaison with fellowship groups within the church as well as local outreach and human service agencies.
1. They bring pressing social issues to the church’s attention.
2. They organize our church’s participation in the Crop Walk in May.
3. They collect turkeys for the SHARE baskets at Thanksgiving.
4. They organized the Mitten Tree and Gift Tree at Christmas.
5. They distribute their funds to the Churches Wider Mission in Concord, every quarter.
6. In December, this board makes annual donations to SHARE, Kids Café in Manchester, the Nashua Children’s Home, and to Bridges (for rape and assault victims) in Milford.
When do they meet?
The Board of Christian Mission and Outreach meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM in the Parlor of the Parish House. They do not meet in January, July, and August.
The Board of Christian Mission and Outreach is funded solely by pledges directed to Benevolences or by donations make directly to the Board of Christian Mission and Outreach.
Please remember those in need and be generous with contributions to the Board of Christian Mission and Outreach.