9:00-9:45 AM: Adult Book Study in the Parish House Parlor.
9:15 AM: Adult Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary.
10:00 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary. Childcare for children under three in the Parish House Nursery. There is a paging system in the Nursery so that you may be alerted duriing the service if your child needs you. On Rally Day everyone goes to the anctuary for the first fifteen minutes of the service. Older children will attend the first portion of the Worship Service with their family or a member of the Church School staff.
10:15 AM: Conclusion of worship for pupils. Pupils return to the Parish House for Sunday School.
11:15 AM: Classes dismissed. Older students should remain in their classroom until the 11:15 dismissal time. Children in the Pre-School and Kindergarten class remain in the classroom until a parent or older sibling comes for them.
11:15 AM: Coffee and Fellowship Hour in the Parish House. There is a Potluck Lunch on the last Sunday of the month from September through May.
6:30-8:00 PM: Adult Bible Study. There are usually 2 sessions, 1 starting in September and the other in January.
The Cherub Choir will perform several times during the year. The young people (Grades 1-6) will rehearse on Sunday mornings during Church School in the Parish House for several weeks before their performance.