Who are they?
The Stewardship Committee consists of 6 church members, two of which are elected annually. Each member of the Stewardship Committee serves for one 3 year term. A representative from the Board of Trustees serves as a liaison. The pastor serves in an advisory position.
What do they do?
The Stewardship Committee’s task is to plan a pledge drive that encourages the congregation to monetarily support the proposed Church Budget for the coming year, as developed by the Board of Trustees. They also encourage the church members to be stewards of the church, asking them to not only give to the church monetarily, but also to be generous with their time and talents as well.
When do they meet?
The Stewardship Committee meets on a regular basis in the fall; these meetings are determined by the Chairman.
Please be generous with your pledge, your time and your talents to your church for (current year).