Who are they?
The Flower Committee consists of 7 church members, two of which are elected annually and one is appointed annually by the Diaconate. Each elected Flower Committee member serves for one 3 year term.
What do they do?
- As its name implies, the Flower Committee is responsible for the flowers for all worship services.
- Using the list in the Narthex as a guide, they make sure flowers are on the alter every week. If no one has signed up to provide flowers, the committee places an order to a local florist.
- By Wednesday prior to the service, they contact the church office with appropriate information for acknowledgement in the weekly bulletin.
- After the worship service, they deliver the flowers to the bereaved shut-ins, and ill church members in cooperation with the Parish Visitor.
- The Flower Committee decorates the sanctuary for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
When do they meet?
The Flower Committee meets in February to assign a chairman and to delegate the duties for the upcoming year. After that, they meet as necessary.
Remember your loved ones and place flowers in the sanctuary in their memory or in their honor. In the summer months, cut flowers from backyard gardens are very much appreciated.