Men’s Breakfast Mission Statement
To be “Active and Visible” in Christ’s Church and community, to assist and support others through acts of Christian love, trust, respect, service, and compassion. To be a mentor to the young and old, and to pass on the desire to help others. To promote harmony and fellowship, while embracing the spirit of our “Church’s Purpose Statement”.
The Group
History and General Info
The Men’s Breakfast Group has been in existence now for quite a long time but in 2004 it came together with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Since then the group has grown as a spiritual and social gathering for men of all ages. In addition, Men’s Breakfast has begun to take the lead in projects around the church. Men’s Breakfast typically meets at 7:30am on the second Saturday of each month from September through June. A typical meeting lasts around 90 minutes with 45-60 minutes dedicated to a speaker, organized program, or discussion around the table.
Sponsor-a-Highway Road Cleanup
This is a semi-annual event that is run by Men’s Breakfast but includes members of the entire church congregation. This event is usually held in April and October. We meet at the Parish House at 7:30 for breakfast and brief discussion and then “hit the road” to polish our civic pride and give back to the community. The actual road cleanup usually takes less than 2 hours concluding by 11am.
Some projects that have been completed by Men’s Breakfast:
- Parish House kitchen floor replacement
- Basement tool crib
- Going “Green” – Parish House light replacement project