Who are they?
The Diaconate consists of 12 church members (6 men and 6 women), four of which are elected annually. Each Diaconate member serves for one 3 year term. Any church member who has served on the Diaconate in the past is part of a permanent Diaconate and may be called upon to aid the current Diaconate as necessary. The pastor serves in an advisory position.
What do they do?
The Diaconate has many tasks:
- The Diaconate members assist the Pastor with the spiritual interests of this Church and community. They visit the sick, the sorrowing, and those in need.
- The Diaconate members welcome visitors and introduce new members to the life of this Church.
- The Diaconate members prepare the Sacraments and assist in serving at the direction of the Pastor. They also provide ushers for every worship service, so please say “Yes!” if you are asked to usher one Sunday!
- The Diaconate administers the Deacon’s Fund, which includes special offerings received at Communion services. They also oversee the counting and recording of the loose offering by the Financial Secretary after worship services.
- The Diaconate provides for the pulpit supply when the Pastor is on vacation or otherwise unable to preach. They also recommend to the Church Council the appointment of an Interim Minister when a vacancy occurs.
- The Diaconate reviews the church rolls every two years.
- The Diaconate takes part in the Maundy Thursday and the Christmas Eve services. They help with the Advent Workshop & Living Crèche and they sponsor the Soup and Bread suppers during Lent.
- When our church is used for weddings or funerals, a Diaconate member is assigned to represent the church at such important occasions in the life of the church.
When do they meet?
The Diaconate meets in the Parish House Annex on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30PM. They do not generally meet in January, July, and August.
Please contact any member of the Diaconate if you or someone you love is in need of spiritual, emotional, or financial assistance.